My Home Office Tour

Today I’m sharing with you the place I’ve spent the majority of my time over the past few years whilst I was still studying, my home office. Now I mainly use it for arts and crafts, general admin and for the home PC (which my boyfriend kindly donated after my laptop died) but I still do spend a fair amount of time here as it also doubles as a space where I often shoot blog photos and write all my articles (House & Leisure and blog related). 
Our study is built into the attic so the exposed roof beams are a big feature in the room. This however allows for some unique shelving (not pictured, its quite messy) and the built in desk which is very practical. No other conventional desk would be able to offer me so much space.
I kept the colour scheme fairly neutral but added some pink and turquoise touches. The build in desk doesn’t have drawers so everything you’d traditionally store out of sight has to be on display so I try to be very careful about what I display. Oh and say hi to my Hello Kitty which I got several years ago in a McDonald’s Happy Meal! Still looking good (and storing my paper clips).
Unfortunately I don’t own a MAC PC (and I can’t see myself ever paying that much just for the looks) but I’ve made the best of what I’ve got. I like to keep things wireless if possible or if you have to deal with wires as I do, make sure they’re tucked away as much as possible. Most of my PC accessories are stored in the cupboard but I do keep a few things I use daily out.
Finally, I am going to share my few very basic tips on organising your home office as it really is the key to making it work for you.
  • I like to make lists and keeping a cute notebook or diary on hand is essential for me. It not only makes me feel more organised but somehow also helps me to focus on what I’m doing or working on that moment. A printed daily planner can also help if you’ve got a hectic schedule. Try this (so very pretty with the polka dots) or this one as they’ve both got fairly large squares allocated to each day for writing.
  • My DIY pin board really serves as a cute inspiration board with favourite colours, runway looks and art on display. Having everything pinned to a board instead of pressed to the wall with presstick not only makes it look more organised but it’s also easier to replace and change things up. I highly recommend this if you need some creative inspiration.
  • Keeping things stored in a pretty container right where you need them is really essential to an organised space. I like to keep flash drives, memory cards and freshly charged batteries on hand when working on the PC. Nothing is more frustrating than having to search for them, especially when you’re in a rush.
  • I like to use both a pencil holder (for prettier supplies) and a pencil bag (for the unsightly ones) on my desktop. You can use either one or the other, witch ever works best for you, but make sure you always have all the essentials on hand (glue, scissors, rulers, black and blue pens, pencils, sharpeners and erasers). This pencil holder DIY is very cute, I might have to try it.
  • Keep magazines, books and binders stored horizontally for easy access. I’ve got mine sandwiched between the wall and a roof beam but you can also find cute magazine holders at shops like Typo to help with this. An In and Out tray may also be necessary depending on your workload. I just try to stay on top of my admin.
  • This isn’t technically an organisation tip, but spend a little time and money to make your office space, however small it might be, pretty. This will motivate you to keep it clean and organised at all times. If it weren’t for this, I’d probably have a whole week’s worth of coffee cups and water glasses gathered here.


  1. Very pretty! Love the Hello Kitty :)

    Lipgloss Kisses | | @lipgl0ss_kisses
